Our practice will now be sending billing reminders via email and text. You can pay your bill online. 

Day Care/School Exclusion Criteria


When can my child return?  Is it contagious?

Should I cancel the

a) play date

b) birthday party or

c) family visit?

Exclusion criteria have been practiced for decades and there is a great deal of practical evidence that they are ineffective. (We docs are still in business). Before blaming your best friend for bringing their child into contact with your own, remember – The period of highest infectivity (most contagious) is usually BEFORE THE CHILD HAS ANY SYMPTOMS!  Therefore, you must be clairvoyant to stop the spread of disease.

That said, there are some good medical tenants to REDUCE, not eliminate spread of disease.

Disease or symptom:

May return when:

Strep throat24 hours after starting antibiotics
ChickenpoxAfter the last lesion has crusted over
Pink eye24 hours after starting antibiotics*
Diarrhea (viral/not bloody)When it is contained within the diaper
Pneumonia24 hours after starting antibiotics
Fever12-24 hours after temperature resolves if clinically better (acting well)
Runny NoseNo exclusion criteria(our schools would be empty)
CoughSee above
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease24 hours after fever resolves
Impetigo24 hours after antibiotics started
LiceAfter the first treatment with an effective pediculicide  (Elimite, Permethrin)
PinwormsOnly restrict if accompanied by diarrhea
Ring wormAfter treatment is started or lesion are covered

* unless caused by allergies – itchy with clear discharge

These are guidelines only and individual schools and institutions may have different restrictions. Consult your school handbooks for guidance.