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Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

With children spending more time online than ever, parents are struggling to ensure their safety from online predators and cyber bullies.  Reports of online child exploitation have risen since the start of the coronavirus pandemic43% of teens aged 13 to 17 report that they have experienced some sort of cyberbullying in the past year.


We’ve put together this list of tips and resources to help parents keep their children safe.


Spend Time Online Together 

  • Teach them the following appropriate online behavior:
    • Think before you post
    • Never share private information, passwords, or images 
    • Use privacy settings on social media and gaming sites/platforms
  • Experience the media yourself:


Set Boundaries and Parental Controls


Keep Watch

  • Keep the computer or tablet in a common area where you can monitor its use  
  • With older children, especially those who have their own cell phones, privacy is important.  However, parents should remove tablets and phones from the child’s room at bedtime and should ideally refrain from putting computers or TVs in kids’ bedrooms altogether
  • Look for charges on your credit card or phone bills related to games or in-app purchases


Know the Signs

  • Watch for warning signs that your child is being targeted by an online predator:
    • spending long hours online, especially at night
    • phone calls from people you don’t know
    • unsolicited gifts arriving in the mail
    • your child suddenly turning off the computer when you walk into the room or avoiding using a device in front of you
    • withdrawal from family life and reluctance to discuss online activities
    • sudden changes in friend groups
    • asking to do things they don’t usually do
  • Watch for warning signs that your child may be the victim of cyberbullying:
    • withdraws from family or friends
    • expresses reluctance or refuses to participate in activities previously enjoyed
    • has an unexplained decline in grades
    • shows signs of depression or sadness
    • has an avoidant attitude towards school and peer interaction


Talk to Your Kids

  • Talk to your kids about the risks of being online
  • Keep communication lines open and make sure that they feel comfortable turning to you when they have problems online
  • Take your child seriously if he or she reports an uncomfortable online exchange


Sign a Pledge


Know How to Report A Cyber Crime

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