Our practice will now be sending billing reminders via email and text. You can pay your bill online. 

We want to make you aware of our policies for children that are on long-term medications:

1. All patients must have a yearly physical with our practice.
2. Patients must be seen for an appointment to change a medication or a dosage of medication.
3. For our mental health/behavioral medications such as stimulants (e.g., Concerta,Vyvanse, Adderall) and SSRIs (e.g., Zoloft, Prozac), patients must be seen for medication checks at least every 3-6 months as determined by your doctor.

Failure to comply with these policies will result in a termination of prescriptions until patients are compliant with our policies. We will do our best to accommodate patients and provide “bridge prescriptions” for 1 month to allow patients time to schedule an appointment.

As your child’s primary care provider, we are committed to providing the best care for your child. These policies are for the care and safety of your child.

The Doctors of Farrell and South Riding Pediatrics