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Recommended Reading for Parents


The doctors of Farrell and South Riding Pediatrics have composed this list of books for parents. This list is a collection of books we as doctors and/or parents have found useful to assist parents with raising their children. There are thousands of books available to parents and this list is just a small sampling. We hope that you will find these books helpful but we know that every child is unique and what we have included may not work for your family. Please contact our offices if you are in need of further assistance.

• The Doctors of Farrell and South Riding Pediatrics •

Book List

General Pediatrics

Your Baby and Child, Birth to Age 5, Penelope Leach—General book on raising children with a behavioral focus.

Happiest Baby on the Block, Harvey Karp—A book that provides guidance to parents with fussy/colicky babies.

Touchpoints, T. Berry Brazelton

Your Child’s Health, Barton Schmidtt—This book is a guide for common childhood illnesses, emergencies and behavior problems.

AAP: Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, Birth to Age 5, Steven Shelov, Robert Hannemann—General guide for basic child care including infancy.

AAP: Caring for Your School Age Child: Ages 5-12, Edward Schor—Comprehensive guide to your “middle aged” children and the unique challenges facing this age group.

AAP: Your Baby’s First Year, Steven Shelov—Comprehensive guide for newborns includes topics such as safety, well child care and month-to-month guides to development.

Baby 411, Ari Brown, MD and Denise Fields—Written by a doctor and a mom, this is a helpful guide for you and your new baby.


The Discipline Book, William Sears, MD and Martha Sears

Parent Power, John Rosemond—Traditional views of parenting kids of all ages.

The Challenging Child, Stanley Greenspan, MD, Jacrueline Salmon

1, 2, 3 Magic, Thomas Phelan—Teaches parents some simple, precise and effective ways to manage your children age 2-12 years.

Raising Your Spirited Child, Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

The Book of Virtues, William Bennett


Solve your Child’s Sleep Problems, Richard Ferber—Recommends techniques for working through different childhood sleep problems.

The No-Cry Sleep Solution, Elizabeth Pantley—This book may be helpful for parents who seek and alternative to “the crying it out” method of sleep.

Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, Marc Weissbluth

Nutrition & Diet

Child of Mine, Ellyn Satter

AAP: Guide to Your Child’s Nutrition, William Deitz, Loraine Stern—Reference guide to childhood nutrition.  Provides an easy guide to help parents manage dietary requirements for newborns thru adolescent.


The Care and Keeping of you: The body book for Girls (American Girl Series) Valorie Lee Schaefer—Book provides an age appropriate look at puberty and body change in our adolescent girls.

Who Moved the Goal Posts


Taking Charge of ADHD, Russell Barkley

Sensory Integration Dysfunction

The Out of Synch Child, Carol Stock Kranowitz

Quirky Kids, Perri Klass & Eileen Costello


The Boy Who Loved Windows, Patricia Stacey


Baby Bargains, Denise and Alan Fields—Helps to navigate the world of baby stuff and recommends what a new parent needs.

Siblings without Rivalry, Adale Faber, Elaine Mazlish—Provides a positive approach to help parents teach their children to get along.

Mommy Guilt, Devra Renner—Provides a helpful approach to make parenting enjoyable and less stressful.

Babyhood, Paul Reiser—Laugh out loud about being a new parent.